What Is It

Orga is a flexible org-mode syntax parser. It parses org content into AST (Abstract Syntax Tree 🌲). And it's written in JavaScript.

What can I do with it


Introducing org editor. This the source code of this page.

#+title: Orgajs #+jsx: import code from './index.org?raw' * What Is It =Orga= is a flexible org-mode syntax parser. It parses org content into AST ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree][Abstract Syntax Tree 🌲]]). And it's written in JavaScript. * What can I do with it ** Editor Introducing org editor. This the source code of *this page*. #+begin_export jsx <orga-editor> {code} </orga-editor> #+end_export ** Publication Build a website with org-mode files and [[/guides/orga-build][orga-build]]. # the "orga-editor" is a web-component, the following line defines it #+jsx: <script type="module" src="/editor.js"/>


Build a website with org-mode files and orga-build.