Getting Started
Basic Setup
Orga is built on the unified ecosystem. The core parser package @orgajs/reorg
is the minimum requirement to get started.
Simple HTML Compilation
To transform Org-mode content into HTML, install the required packages:
npm install @orgajs/reorg @orgajs/reorg-rehype rehype-stringify unified-stream
Create a basic compilation script:
// compile.js
const stream = require('unified-stream')
const reorg = require('@orgajs/reorg')
const mutate = require('@orgajs/reorg-rehype')
const html = require('rehype-stringify')
const processor = reorg()
Convert your Org files to HTML:
node compile.js < > output.html
Example Input (
* Hello Orga
Orga is *awesome*.
Yields Output (output.html)
<div class="section">
<h1>Hello Orga</h1>
<p>Orga is <strong class="">awesome</strong>. </p>