Latex Support

Inline Math

Orgajs supports inline math with latex math delimiters.

If $$a^2=b$$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be either $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].

With be rendered as follows.

If a2=ba^2=b and b=2 b=2 , then the solution must be either a=+2 a=+\sqrt{2} or a=2 a=-\sqrt{2} .

Latex Block

It also supports \begin commands.


Will be rendered

x=b\begin{equation} x=\sqrt{b} \end{equation}


@orgajs/rehype-latex is the plugin for handling latex. It uses katex underneath, so you will have to add the css link yourself in your website. Add the following to the head.